Toolbox Window

The Toolbox window displays a variety of items for use on the page you are creating. The items available from this window change, depending upon what kind of page you are creating. Items displayed can include HTML fragments, objects, and text files. You can open the Toolbox from the View menu.

By default, the Toolbox displays two tabs, a General tab and a Clipboard Ring tab. As you open an editor or designer, tabs and tools are added. You can also add custom tabs and tools to the Toolbox.

Note   Some items in the Toolbox, such as the Pointer, cannot be removed

You can select and drag items, text, and controls from the Toolbox onto pages and designers, or drag items from these sources into the Toolbox for reuse later. For example, you can drag a Button control onto a Web page, or select and drag a text scrap from a document open in an editor and store it on the General tab of the Toolbox.

To Do this
Insert an item in the default location on the active designer Double-click the item.
Create customized groupings of items on your own tabs Right-click the Toolbox and choose Add Tab.
Copy a Toolbox item from one tab to another Press CTRL and drag the selected item to the new tab or use Copy and Paste.
Move a Toolbox item from one tab to another tab Drag the item from one pane to the tab for another. Items that cannot be moved are copied instead.
Paste an item that has been copied to the Clipboard Ring. Press CTRL+V to paste the item into the active document at the insertion point.
To cycle through items in the Clipboard Ring using the keyboard. In the editor, press CTRL+Shift +V to cycle through items until the clip pasted in is the one you want.
Delete a Toolbox item Select the Toolbox item and choose Delete from the Edit menu.
Add a custom control to the Toolbox. Right-click the Toolbox and choose Customize Toolbox from its shortcut menu.
Store text fragments for use later Drag scraps of code or text from the text editor and drop them onto the General pane of the Toolbox. You can then drag them as needed into other editors, designers, or windows.
Rearrange tabs and items on a tab Drag tabs or their items to the locations preferred, and release the mouse.
Rename items Right-click the Toolbox item and choose Rename Item from its shortcut menu.
Display all Toolbox tabs Right-click the Toolbox window and choose Show All Tabs from its shortcut menu.
View items in the active tab in a list format Right-click the Toolbox and choose List View from its shortcut menu.